Thursday, August 18, 2005

An oldER dream

Ok, first (?) I was on my high school baseball field, and my brother (Todd) was there after his game or something. He wanted to play catch, so he threw the ball at me—and it was really really fast. I didn't have a glove, so he told me to use the one lying on the ground—it was a lefty glove, though, so no help to me. So I went to my car and got my glove from my box of fun in the trunk (which exists in real life). He started throwing insanely fast again, and I didn't think I could catch him. I was bummed that I was too weak and scared to try catching after I went all the way to my car to get the glove. Then later he comes home and he, my mom and dad, and I are in the kitchen discussing his games. I guess he played like three games, but my dad left early cuz he thought there was only one, so he was sad to have missed them. Todd had some great games and was telling us about them, and for some reason he was given gift cards to local restaurants and pubs and a free coffee mug from some company. I'm not sure if it's just cuz he did well or what.

Then I'm in another room, still at home. In real life, it is now our living room, but used to be the "toy" room when we were growing up. So in the dream, it was the toy room again, except there was a computer there. I was showing Mom the new Strong Bad e-mail, and I remember it kept going on and on, and you had to click to get to the next screen. But she was loving it. Then ... Strong Bad decided to challenge the real life people to a game, and I guess he had to become a lamb stuffed animal in order to do this. There were other stuffed animals too (other characters like Homestar and The Cheat?), all taking on my mom and me. It took awhile to fight them off, but we got all of them except the lamb (Strong Bad in the flesh). I remember it was running after us, I picked it up and held it by its neck, and it was trying to wiggle free ... and it was really, really strong (of course). I guess he got tired after awhile cuz he eventually gave up.

So maybe I called for help during this whole episode? I remember going all the way from Newark to Rush Copley hospital in Aurora, cuz I guess I thought they could help me. I walk in the entryway, up the stairs (I see the front desk, the waiting area, and two vending machines), and then it hits me—duh, the hospital can't help me. So I leave before talking to anyone and decide to go to the Ghost Busters instead. All I remember is showing up at the headquarters and seeing a cool red leather couch where Venkman (Bill Murray) was sitting. But that's it.

Then I'm in my brother and sister-in-law's house, although in my dream it was nothing like their house ... and there were books everywhere. So somehow either the house became Tyndale House Publishers, or I went there. Only it wasn't just the company, it was actually where most of the employees lived. I remember, again, seeing books everywhere—on the coffee tables, on the shelves, etc. It scared me because it was so formal, almost like a church, a company, and a home combined. A Christian publishing mansion, if you will. I remember walking around the halls with Sarah Johnson (a family friend from home) and then suddenly it's 3 pm so everyone has to stop what they're doing and sing a hymn. We have hymn books and we're right by the pipe organ. Sarah's brother, Peter, was getting annoyed, so he left, even though we begged him to stay. There were old, white-haired men nearby (authors? maybe Ken Taylor and his friends?), so I was scared he'd get in trouble for leaving. Finally, in the last portion of the dream, my mom and dad took me out to some restaurant and told me they wanted to set me up with the son of one of their friends from home. I was like, I don't like him like that, but thanks anyway.